FastCopy: A powerful assistant for extremely fast file transfer and backup

In today's digital age, file transfer and backup have become an integral part of our daily work and life. An efficient and practical file transfer and backup software can undoubtedly save us a lot of time and improve work efficiency. Today, I will introduce you to a software called FastCopy in detail, and let us discuss its practicality and usage scenarios, as well as its advantages and disadvantages.


FastCopy is a file transfer and backup software designed specifically for Windows systems. Since its release in 2015, FastCopy has won the hearts of many users. Its biggest feature is its fast speed, and it is known as "the fastest copy/backup software on Windows". FastCopy supports Unicode and file pathnames beyond MAX_PATH (260 characters), which means it can easily handle a variety of complex filenames and paths.

1. Advantages of FastCopy

1. High-speed transmission: FastCopy uses multi-threading technology for reading, writing and verification, and combines overlapping I/O and direct I/O to give full play to the performance of the device. In a high-speed SSD environment, FastCopy can achieve speed improvements of 20% to 30%. Additionally, FastCopy supports CPU affinity settings that provide better performance for drives that always run in parallel, such as SSD-RAID.

2. Powerful filtering function: FastCopy supports inclusion/exclusion filters similar to UNIX wildcards, allowing users to filter files as needed. This is especially useful when working with large amounts of files, and can significantly reduce transfer and backup time.

3. Lightweight design: FastCopy uses Win32 API and C Runtime for development and does not rely on MFC, so it runs fast and consumes low resources. This means that FastCopy does not have a significant impact on system performance when performing file transfer and backup tasks.

4. Complete help and support: FastCopy provides detailed help documents, where users can find various information about the software. Additionally, FastCopy has an active community where users can seek help and solve problems.

2. Disadvantages of FastCopy

1. The interface is slightly old: Although FastCopy is powerful, its interface design is relatively old and may not meet the aesthetic needs of some users. However, for users looking for practicality, this is not a big issue.

2. You need to purchase the professional version: FastCopy’s free version has limited functions. To take full advantage of its powerful functions, you need to purchase the professional version. This may put off some users on a budget.

3. Usage scenarios

FastCopy is suitable for various file transfer and backup scenarios, whether for individual or enterprise users. Here are some typical usage scenarios:

1. Large file transfer: FastCopy’s high-speed transfer characteristics make it an ideal choice for large file transfer, especially in high-speed network environments.

2. File backup: FastCopy can easily handle the backup task of large amounts of files to ensure data security.

3. System recovery: In the event of system crash or virus infection, FastCopy can help users quickly recover important data.

4. Enterprise environment: In enterprise environments, FastCopy can improve the efficiency of file transfer and backup and reduce IT support costs.


FastCopy is a powerful and practical file transfer and backup software. Although its interface is slightly outdated, this does not affect its performance in practical applications. For users who pursue speed and practicality, FastCopy is an option worth trying. If you need to perform a large number of file transfer and backup tasks on Windows systems, you may wish to try FastCopy, I believe it will bring you a satisfactory experience.

1 license: ¥ 288.00 (RMB/CNY), current price only: ¥ 268.00



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